I realize that I hadn't posted about Emmitt at one year. When I was looking back through the old blog to find info. on Jesstine, I failed to do it for her at a year also! We just had some pictures taken so I thought I would use some of those to post about Emmitt at a year.
Personality: He is full of it! He is such a sweet boy! He is certainly louder than Jesstine ever was. He is a lot more hot and cold temperamentally He is also a ham and a cuddler! I enjoy when he wakes up from his nap because I always get some cuddles! He is smart, but doesn't let on that he is! I know you are thinking, "He's one! How do you know?!" I know because we have seen little glimpses of how he knows something and will ignore you when you ask im to perform that he knows it. Then when you least expect it, he will show off for you!
Being a ham with a bow from one of his birthday gifts.
Physically: He still has only 4 teeth. He is working on four more! He is wearing almost all size 18 month clothing. He wears size 5 diapers (we just recently switched because he has been leaking a LOT). He is not walking. He took 3-4 steps about two weeks ago, but hasn't shown an interest in walking ever since. He can stand for a LONG time though!
Communication: His favorite thing to do right now is show you how big he is. We ask him how big he is and he puts his hands above his head! Perhaps the greatest stride in this area has been at the dinner table. We have struggled since he started eating baby food and drinking from a cup with how LOUD he is! He is loud because he wants a drink. We have tried to get him to sign "drink" or label it with a name (like his bottle is now exclusively "NawNaw"). He now signs the word drink! We have to remind him, but he will do it with little or no yelling! It has been SUCH a wonderful change...let's just hope that it stays that way!
Likes: SWEETS! He loves ice cream. He really liked his cake. Perhaps his favorite right now is mini M&M's!
Dislikes: Green vegetables! Okay, so he likes green beans, but they don't currently like him! He also doesn't care for apple juice. That could be a blessing in disguise! He doesn't seem overly fond of riding in the van. He is also beginning to get restless in the stroller.
Emmitt is SUCH a joy! He is still a challenge, more so than Jesstine was at this age. He still doesn't sleep very well through the night. He wakes up at least once a week if not twice a week during the night. He also is very attached to his bottle, so I am not looking forward to weaning him! We are taking it slow. He only has one ounce of whole milk in each bottle (about three 8 oz. bottles a day). He has also been a little more difficult as far as food goes! We have had a lot of trouble finding foods for him to eat! Perhaps it is just the USUAL challenge of feeding a baby at this age. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that he shovels everything into his mouth at once and chokes easily. Perhaps it is because he only has 4 teeth and none of them are molars! Lately (and I am probably going to jinx it) he has been a TERRIFIC napper! We have been in a routine where we go go go all morning. He eats lunch around noon every day and goes down for his nap anywhere from 1-1:30 (I am helping a friend get her daughter to preschool, so it is hard to get him to bed at 1 when he likes). Lately too he has been sleeping for about 2-3 hours.
Lately, he and Jesstine have really been interacting a lot better! You can tell they really love each other, but Jesstine has realized that he is trouble right now and is constantly getting in her way! It is fun to see them laugh at each other!
Emmitt really studies stuff. He is constantly trying to find how things work! It is kind of cute! Wonder how that is going to develop in the future.
Here is a general schedule for him:
Wake up anywhere from 7:15-8:00
Has an 8 oz. bottle pretty soon after waking up.
Has a cereal and yogurt breakfast when J eats around 8:15ish.
Sometimes has a snack mid morning.
Eats lunch (usually a few tablespoons of fruit, a few of vegetables, puffs, little crunchies, yogurt melts, lunch meat...pretty much anything I can find at about Noon.
8 oz. (7 parts formula, 1 part whole milk) bottle at about 12:45 or 1 (sometimes 1:30 if we have to take Olivia to school).
1-1:30 Nap
3:30-4:30 Wakes up from nap and plays.
Sometimes he has a snack before dinner.
6:30ish Dinner: Much like lunch, but sometimes we feed him little bits of what we are having for dinner.
7:45 Bathtime
8:00 8 oz bottle (just like above)
8:15 Bedtime (has to have his blue blanket, owl named Wesley, taggie and lovey from Aunt Ola, and usually a few other buddies!
In Him,
The Hutchins Family