Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Well, another week has gone by! We are still here and still healthy! Just returned from a trip to Lego City the OTHER Hutchinses' house! Was a fun weekend! Ian and I had some good bonding time with some legos! I have always wanted to build with Legos but never have been given the opportunity. So the kids were all playing in the game room and I spotted a box of legos on the top shelf that had yet to be assembled. I sat down and got to work. Ian came in and decided to help! It was a blast! So we kept going with the legos that Grandmom had just brought him for his birthday!!! All told we built a house (complete with working garage door, basketball goal, and EVEN a lawn mower), hospital, ambulance, medical helicopter, fire truck, burning building, and a truck with a trailer for some dirt bikes. So.much.fun!

So, this week, Jesstine had her last dance class of the month and got to do a tap routine for us! We were told that the routine was to a patriotic song, so we could dress her up in red, white, and blue if we wanted. So, we did! She was the.only.one. :-( She didn't seem to care, but I wondered if it was a little silly of me! You can tell she acts WAY different in class with me there in the room than with me behind the glass! Anywho, here is the result:

Yankee Doodle Dandy!

In Him,
The Hutchins

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Busy Week!

So the blog has been empty a lot lately. I finally found a temporary fix to the picture problem. We have just been really busy this week! We had VBS at the church where Jesstine's preschool is located. I agreed to help this week and there was free childcare for Emmitt since I was helping. I helped in Jesstine's class. Here are some pictures from the week. I didn't get any of Emmitt, but he had a good time...after the first day that is!

Jesstine's group was the blue 5s. Ironically the main leader (closest to me) was a part of a group that comes to Westlink Church of Christ (where we attend) for a Wednesday night Bible study. She is also the sister-in-law of a guy that Stephen grew up with! Small world!

Top Left clockwise: Storytime (featuring Kara, our babysitter); Playing during recreation time with "partner" as these two started calling each other by the last day; Practicing their songs for the end of the week. Ironically she stood right by her third cousin (my first cousin's son); Lastly, craft time making a banner flag that says "Jesus Loves Jesstine."

Recreation time was always one of her favorites. The last picture she is in the background but this little guy asked me to take his picture because he hadn't dropped his ball even one time....he did right after I got his picture! :-)

These two were a HOOT! She wasn't supposed to turn around to pass it over her head! LOL!

Story time with Adventure Liz and Adventure Derrick was also a favorite!

They had some super adventure moves. They liked to jump high, crawl low, run fast and run slow. (The little girl who is video bombing here was QUITE the handful and ended up crying the last night because I made her sit by me after breaking a rule! :-/ )

They learned that "God's big story (the Bible) tells us about God's big love!"

Program night:

The first through 6 graders have day camp from 9-1 at a local farm here in town. They were awesome! It gave me goosebumps watching them!

Overall it was a fun, but busy week! This took up all of our morning until naptime. Then we had evening activities on three of the five weeknights as well! Needless to say, I enjoyed that Stephen let me sleep in on Father's Day nonetheless! Speaking of, we did acknowledge him today with a few things. Jesstine and I found a panda card that sang "I Love You A Bushel and a Peck!" We had to tape a picture of a monkey on it though because he specifically mentioned a monkey card. We also got him a Wichita State tie (and a matching one for Emmitt) as well as a set of Dallas Cowboys pencils. Maybe one of these days I can get a picture of Stephen and Emmitt in their matching ties!

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Almost Famous Tiny Dancer

I know some of you are familiar with our babysitter and her family who are more like family than friends! Her mom is like another big sister and Kara is like a niece! They take a big vacation each summer as a family. This year just Johnna and Kara went with some other church friends to the Big Apple, NYC!! They were able to catch some Broadway shows (including Annie, MY favorite) and do lots of other fun things! Yesterday they were on an episode of Katie. I don't typically watch and don't know if I will watch again, but I did yesterday because the topic was interesting (former child stars) and because I knew some people in the audience!!!

Can you spot them?? Kara is the first full head you see in the bottom left, Johnna is right next to her. Then in the upper right corner, you will see Linda Newsom from church!

Here is a better view:
They are circled.

Today Jesstine started something that both she and I have wanted to do for a LONG time! She is now in a dance class. We are just at the Y, but that is alright! She will have fun I am sure! That is all I am letting her do it for right now is for fun!

Switching to ballet slippers.

Two butterfly hand stamps for a job well done! 

Over all she had fun! She was a bit nervous at first, but followed a long pretty well for the most part! Emmitt enjoyed some fruit snacks and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while we waited! Overall a good experience. Next week, we have to go to VBS, so she will have an evening class instead of one during the daytime!

In Him,
The Hutchins Family