I have really been distracted lately with stuff at work and it has been difficult to blog. Most of my blog followers see or hear from me fairly regularly, so I suppose they know most of what I put on here before I post! But since this is also a record for me to go back and refer to, I guess I had better post at least once a week!
This week someone we know and LOVE celebrated his 2nd birthday!!! It was low key! Because he was born on Veteran's Day, it was a built in holiday for us this year! Jesstine didn't have school that morning and I don't work on Mondays, so Stephen took the day off and we just hung around the house and did NOTHING! It was pretty nice to have a day to just spend together. The big birthday bash won't really happen until Saturday. We had planned a party at our favorite restaurant, Freddy's, but a couple of weeks ago we discovered we would have house guests that weekend, so we moved it back to our house. More to come on that LATER! For now, on 2 the 2 year-old birthday post!
At two, Emmitt weighs 28 lbs. (65%ile) and is 35 in. tall (68%ile). He wears some 24 month and some 2T clothes. Yes folks, there IS a difference!!! He is in size 5 diapers and still has a disposable insert at night that is saturated by morning! He is in size 8.5-9 shoes. Yes, you read that correctly! My boy has HUGE feet! I think Jesstine was still a size 6 or 7 at this age! His feet are wide so that is why sometimes he wears an 8.5 and sometimes a 9. His eyes are teetering between a blue and a green blue. It is interesting to see them change based on what he is wearing. He still only has the top front four teeth, top molars, bottom molars and bottom three front teeth. I looked at his baby book and the last time he cut a tooth was April! He does have an incisor coming in on the top left and it looks like the final 1 year tooth (bottom right next to his two front bottom teeth) is TRYING to make its way in. We found out from the dentist that there is just not enough room for it and the incisor next to it, so that is what is taking so long. He still uses a pacifier at nap and bedtime (although he managed to go without at Grandmom's house last week!!). And he LOVES his dog blankie with taggies on it. He also sleeps with his plush Lightning McQueen.
Emmitt eats pretty much the same thing for breakfast and I would definitely say he is a picky eater! For breakfast he eats a cereal bar, apple sauce and washes it down with 8 oz. of milk. Sometimes he will get a wild hair and ask for some "Daddy's cereal" afterwards. Because he doesn't eat terribly much (too busy and wants to get down and play), he has to have a snack about an hour or so later. That usually consists of yogurt melts, teddy grahams or fruit snacks. Lunch and dinner are where he is the pickiest. He really only likes cheeseburgers, quesadillas, and peanut butter and honey/jelly sandwiches. When we eat dinner as a family, he usually eats what we do. The only exception is when it contains chicken. He is not a huge fan of chicken. He much prefers beef! He will eat turkey and one of the family's favorite meals are cresent rolls with turkey and cheese rolled up in them. He will drink milk all of the time if we let him. Usually he gets milk for breakfast and water the rest of the day. He doesn't care for juice, but I guess that is okay since it really isn't good for teeth. He (unlike Jesstine) does like pop, namely Pepsi! I don't let him have it often though! Don't want to start him on that habit!
He plays mostly with his Cars cars. He loves ANYTHING with wheels especially construction type or monster truck vehicles! The other day we were in Walmart and we always have to stop by the toy aisle. We always start at the bikes and work our way over (conveniently the bikes are on the same aisle as the cars, trucks, tractors, etc). We had just finished looking at the Cars cars and had made our way to the tractors and construction vehicles. I spotted every boy's dream vehicle! It was a cement mixer with monster truck wheels! I pointed it out to Emmitt and he let out the loudest "WHOOOOOOOOA" you can imagine! I was laughing and the older lady at the end of the aisle even laughed! I think I have a pretty good idea what he would like for Christmas! He loves to jump, run and he loves balls of all kinds! He can tell the difference between a football, basketball, baseball, and soccer ball now.
His vocabulary is amazing! He is a smart little guy! Just like Jesstine was at this age, he has learned all but 4 uppercase letters of the alphabet visually. He knows all of the main sounds for the letters. He also impressed me last week when he and Grandmom showed me that he can identify 6 colors: red, yellow, green, blue, pink and orange. He likes to know what we are doing and where we are going each day! He often wakes up from nap and the first thing he says is, "Bible class?" or "Daddy home!!!" or "Behfast!" He loves to say, "Ow bout" and "of COURSE!" For instance, "Ow bout Bee Bar? Ow bout Appeh sauce?" and if you ask him if he would like to do something he replies with, "Of COURSE!" One of my favorite things that he does is when you ask him where something is and he finds it he will say, "Dehdizzzz!!" (There it is.)
He is still a cuddly mostly happy boy! He is also showing signs of being musically inclined! He loves to randomly sing the "wolf" part of Peter and the Wolf. He also still randomly launches into "Real Gone" from Disney's Cars.
Turning on the Tree Fu power with Tree Fu Tom!
It is November again. Stephen is participating in Moshave November for a second year. It is basically a movement where men shave all of their face except for their moustache in support for prostate cancer awareness. He had to pose with Emmitt to kick it off! This is just one week of whisker growth.
Jesstine decided to get in on Moshave November as well!
Jesstine surprised me when I went to pick her up from school today. She said she didn't know how to whistle yet. She gave it a good try and succeeded! I was so proud! here she is whistling:
There is still so much I need to post about. Tonight we went and saw Jesstine perform the national anthem with her school at a Thunder Hockey game! I also want to fill you in on some other fun stuff mainly work and Jesstine's swimming lessons. Another time and hopefully this week! Until then!
I have to say, this year Halloween has been SO exciting for me! I not only was excited about my kids costumes (and the fact that I spent $1.99 for costumes this year!!!), but because it means the end of October! This has been one tough month and I was ready to be over with it! I am beginning to believe a certain loved one's superstitions about Halloween! Our neighbors lost their teenage special needs daughter that morning to complications from cerebral palsy and pneumonia! UGH! I am DONE with October! Bring on November!!!
So this week has been interesting. We had spirit week at school so I was able to wear crazy clothes one day and pajamas the next. I LOVED it! It was a lot of fun! I welcomed November in a day early with a turkey hat! The kids at school (and my own kids for that matter) got a big kick out of it. Then it was time to dash to get the kids and get them ready for Halloween. This was actually the third time Emmitt had been dressed in full regalia. We did a "Trunk-or-Treat" at a local church on Sunday evening and at the usual nursing home event for Parents As Teachers on Wednesday. So Emmitt was totally used to his costume at that point. So much so that he protested putting it on and was only convinced to do so if he was A) holding the little people bus and B) if Grandmom kept the candy corn coming into his mouth! He really got into it when we walked the steps up to Grandmom's house like real trick-or-treaters. After that it was just a matter of how long I could keep his hat on! Jesstine was great! She is used to this Halloween thing already and was ready to move from one place to the next after a deposit of candy had been made to her pink pumpkin bucket! Together, Stephen and I created a trunk for the Trunk-or-Treat at our church. So it was a whirlwind of an evening! Here are the pictures:
Evolution of a Hutchins Clown. My son became the first "Emmitt The Clown" of the family!
Our first Trunk-or-treat on Sunday night.
This one was cute because he doesn't look too thrilled AND he had to have his car with him! (See his left hand.)
Closer look at my silly clown!
Our first attempts at a mirror shot.
The bus that caused so many tears!
Second attempt at the mirror picture.
Standing in line waiting our turn at Trunk-or-Treat. She said, "Hey Mom! I found a good place to put my sword so I don't have to carry it." She sure did! Ye did good matey!
Daddy's trunk (with Mommy's help).
The front of the program to go with Daddy's trunk.
The inside of the program.
The back of the program.
Pictures by the lovely Danita Loney!
Grandpa and Grandma's house.
We ended the night with chicken nuggets and cheeseburgers with one piece of candy for dessert! Another October down in history. Good riddance October and welcome November!!!