Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Favorites at 3 & 3/4

I was looking at some pictures of Jesstine from a year or so ago and am in awe of how much she has grown! I think it was about this time a year ago that she somehow stopped looking so much like a toddler and started looking more like a little girl. In my reminiscence, I came across this:

2 and a Half Year Old Fwabowits (Favorites)

Me: Jesstine, what is your favorite color?
J: Bwoo.
M: What is your favorite toy:
J: Messy Tape (measuring tape)
M: What is your favorite place to go?
J: Wah Maht
M: What's your favorite food?
J: Umm, gwapes!!
M: What's your favorite TV show?
J: Max and Wooby!!!
M: What's your favorite treat?
J: NemNems (M&M's)
M: What's your favorite book?
J: Max an Wooby book!
M: What's your favorite movie?
J: Pwincess Uhpunzzle (Repunzle, ie. Tangled)
M: What's your favorite animal?
J: Pwatapus (a little brainwashing from one of our babysitters and good friend, Kara who taught her to say platypus)
M: What's your favorite sport?
J: Bassetball
M: What's your favorite thing to do?
J: Pway!!!!
M: Who's your favorite person?

So here we are a little over a year later. I thought it would be neat to ask her some of these things again! Here is what the results are (These took a LOT longer to answer this time and I added a few for kicks and grins):

Me: Jesstine, what is your favorite color?
J: Pink AND blue.
M: What is your favorite toy?
J: My Little People school bus an car (minivan).
M:Where is your favorite place to go?
J: To the ZOO!!!
M: What is your favorite food?
J: Mommy's style lunchable (lunch meat, cheese stick, wheat thins crackers with hummus and 
    some kind of fruit).
M: What is your favorite TV show?
J: Lazytown

M: What is your favorite treat?
J: Chocolate!!
M: What is your favorite book?
J: Hop on Pop

M: What is your favorite movie:
J: The CHOCOLATE factory!

M: What is your favorite animal?
J: Umm, an elephant....
M: What is your favorite sport?
M: What is your favorite thing to do?
J: Play
M: Who is your favorite person?
J: Umm, Kylie!!!!

M: What kind of things do you learn at school?
J: A LOT! 
M (asking the question again): What KIND of things?
J: About turtles and frogs (talked about last week in school). Play...
M: Do you like dresses better or shirts and pants?
J: Dwesses! I play princess dress up!
M: If you could go anywhere you wanted to, where would you go?
J: Go to the zoo and a park we could play at. Grandmom's house after school and play.
M: How old is Mommy?
J: Umm, FIVE!
M: How old is Daddy?
J: Umm, I maybe don't know. He might be 4. Is he 4 Mommy? He may be 4.
M: Is Daddy older or is Mommy older?

And there you have it! Some of the answers were surprisingly the same. And again, it took much longer to get a response. I tried to write down the first thing that she said.

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

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