Emmitt, at 7 months, not much has changed since 6 months. You are eating 4-5 bottles a day, 7-8 ounces each about every . You have tried squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, carrots, pears, peaches, peas, apple sauce and bananas. The only thing you didn't care for was peas. You also have taken to Baby Mumm Mumms and puffs. That gives us a little bit of a break while we eat because you like to eat when we do.
You are still in size 4 diapers and we have had to by overnight diapers and you still leak out of them! Not sure what that is about! You are half and half when it comes to clothing sizes. Half of your clothes are 6-9 month and the other half are 9-12 month. You are pretty much a size 3.5 or 4 in shoes, but you won't keep them on! You are sitting quite well, but still fall over after a little while. No crawling yet, but you kind of army crawl and you roll EVERYWHERE!! You do get up on your side though and cross your ankles, while propping yourself up on your elbow.
(He can prop himself up higher than this, this was just the best picture I could find to illustrate it.)
You still have NO teeth! You are teething pretty badly though and have two swollen spots on your lower gums. One tooth has been trying to come in since you were 4 months old, but it keeps ducking back under the gums! As a result, your sleep pattern has been thrown off. Despite all of my efforts to get you to sleep during the day, it is still hit or miss. It stems from the fact that Jesstine is doing SO much right now that I am always here or there trying to get her to where she needs to go! At night, you still MOSTLY sleep like a champ!
Favorites: Mommy is your favorite person although you give great smiles to Daddy and giggle at Jesstine quite often. You don't really have a favorite sleeping buddy/blanket. I have found you latched onto a different toy/blanket each time I put you into bed. Mr. Dumpty is still in your bed and you like him almost as much as you like your lovies.
So, now to the 7 month pictures as well as the blooper photos!
And the monthly chair pictures which are nearly bloopers anyway:
In Him,
The Hutchins Family
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