Friday, January 18, 2013


I have posted a lot about Emmitt lately and less about Jesstine. This is because he grows and changes so much sometimes daily and I want to document all of these changes so I don't forget them. I will hopefully have some new things to report on Jesstine very soon!

For now, here is a video of Emmitt. I taught Jesstine sign language as a baby because it helped her to communicate before she could talk. Emmitt didn't seem to catch on to it quite as quickly. We were constantly having an issue of him just yelling when he wanted something and was anyone's guess as to what it was he wanted! I worked with him for a LONG time just to get him to say drink. At about 10 or 11 months old he FINALLY started signing for a drink. I call his form of signing, ESL or Emmitt Sign Language (for those of you who don't know the main form of sign language used is ASL which stands for American Sign Language and is considered a foreign language for schools and qualifies for a foreign language credit in most schools). The reason it is ESL is because he has made his own sign based on the signs I have taught him. It isn't the EXACT sign, but it gets his point across and we can at least get him what he needs/wants! He does sign "more" the proper way! Also, I forgot to have him sign "all done" for which he has his own unique sign for where he brushes the fingers of one hand along the palm of the other!

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

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