Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Had Emmitt's 15 month well baby visit this morning. Gone are the days of undressing him completely to be weighed and measured. He is a big boy now and got to stand on the scale and stand to have his height checked! He also didn't cry as much when he got his shots...all of that came in fussing later! In any case, he weighs 23 lbs. which is the 66.5%. He is 31 inches tall which is the 46%. And 19 inches for head circumference, 88.5%. He was happy to see his doctor, but not so happy to see the nurses when they returned with shots in hand!

Today is a very snowy day! We were projected to get 4-6 inches. The news stations have already increased that to 4-10 inches and a lot of schools are cancelling for the afternoon. When the kids and I ate breakfast it had just started to snow. By the time I got out to take Jesstine to school, it had snowed quite a bit and was slippery getting her to school (which normally is 5 minutes from our house). I then went straight to Emmitt's doctor's appointment. I decided that we would go straight to Jesstine's school instead of stopping home first! Now we are all home (including Stephen) and enjoying our nice warm house! Later there are plans for a snowman and snow ice cream! I currently have some chicken and dumplings (minus the dumplings so far) in the crockpot for dinner tonight. Hopefully I can post some pictures of snow play later! I don't know if Emmitt will care for going out in the snow though! He wasn't too thrilled with it the last time! He spent most of the morning between the car and the buildings we were headed to blowing raspberries to keep the snow off of his face!

The snow started around 8 and this is what it looked like at 1:30!!

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

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