Friday, August 16, 2013

Birthday and First Day of Kindergarten

I have been working on this for a full day now! It has just been hard to sit down and get it all documented with school starting for Jesstine, work for me and both of our birthdays in the midst of it all! Hopefully I can get it all knocked out now!

Tuesday we went to orientation at Jesstine's school. We dropped off her school supplies, met with her teacher, met the board members of her school (one of whom is a former teacher of mine which was VERY reassuring), and other key people in her school. Here are some photos from that night:

Only 8 kids in her class! 

Her teacher Mrs. Coleman! She has already discovered that Jesstine can read pretty well. She has said that Jesstine will be her helper in storytime!!!

Wednesday was Jesstine's birthday. She had to have her well child check that morning since she needed her final shots for school. She did GREAT! She didn't cry, just screamed "OUCH!! THAT HURTS!!" She weighs just under 40 lbs. and is 43.5 inches tall!! Other than that the day was really low key since we had already had a party earlier in the month for her. She did get a few guests though that showed up briefly to say happy birthday and she got a few presents from us on her birthday too! I think it was an exciting day and what a better way to end it than with her first piece of chewing gum! A while back she asked if she could have some gum. I told her she wasn't old enough. She asked how old she had to be. Tired of her questioning, I flippantly said "I don't know...5!!" At the time I thought even if she did remember, surely she would be old enough she could handle it by then. She held me to it!

"Look at my brother wearing my crown backwards on his head!"

Her favorite gift!

She decided she wanted apple pie for her birthday! That's my girl. She only ate a few bites though! LOL!

Her first day of school went fantastic (as far as I can tell). When I picked her up all she said was that she played, colored some ducks and wrote her name. I got the papers back today and sure enough, she wrote her name and colored ducks! She got to bring snacks because her birthday had been the day before. She chose cookie bars! I attempted to decorate them and determined that I will not be pursuing a career in cake decorating if teaching doesn't pan out!
She wants to be a doctor when she grows up!

I didn't get it until today when I dropped her off, but this note from her teacher assures us that she is in the right place! Couple that with the fact that a teacher that I used to have and I know to be a good, godly man is on the board, I think we made the right choice!

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

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