Monday, July 16, 2012

Jury's Still Out....But In The Meantime

So the jury's still out on both operations mentioned in the previous post. There have been few developments since I mentioned them last night. But then again it has only been about 18 hours and we haven't been home for part of that time!

Operation Contain Emmitt: It so far has worked. I think he gets frustrated that he can't roll over there any longer. Either that or he was fussy from teething or needing a nap or even both perhaps! He is ECSTATIC about the fact that the tub lids act as a drum while he is in his exersaucer! That is exciting. It also brought to my attention that I can't stick him in said exersaucer while it is up next to the wall and the window....we almost had a curtain fatality today. Crisis was averted by pulling him away slightly and all is well...until he finds another loophole...little stinker!

Operation Brave: Although I certainly saw attitude improvements on this front, it wasn't a good day to glean much from the idea overall. I spoke to the swim instructor who said she mostly worked with the dumbell with ALL of the kids today, so it wasn't really a good "test." She did say that she didn't think it was an option to move Jesstine to another group. They are too full! Along with that, she said she thinks she knows how to work within Jesstine's comfort level, so we will see how it goes. So, today after lessons, we drove to Target where I had seen the "Brave" glowing jewelry set on clearance yesterday. We bought it and I allowed her to wear it for being brave today (such as it was). She intends on wearing it TO lessons tomorrow to psych herself up for lessons which are slated to be slightly harder, but still hopefully within her comfort zone. If she keeps up like this, we will be taking a trip to the theater later in the week to watch the movie. (I have heard mixed things about the movie. In general, all accounts say it isn't up to Pixar's usual level, but that it isn't terrible either. I have also heard that it may be scary for someone like Jesstine and may have a darker plot involved....SO, I decided to get the golden book to preview the story and talk with her before we go....I hope it isn't sugar coated too much for the book. I don't want anything TOO unexpected.) Also after lessons, we tested her level of bravery with a trip through the Car Wash. For those of you who know her, this is NOT a fun thing! Today, she didn't even look the slightest bit alarmed! I thought Emmitt was going to start crying as he was obviously not liking the loud noise. He was easily calmed down by my touch though. Just needed that reassurance. She just covered her ears and was fine! And now for a picture of my "Brave" girl!

In Him,
The Hutchins

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