Friday, August 24, 2012

Summer Rain and Crawling into Hand-Me-Downs

This morning, Emmitt started to actually crawl on his hands and knees. He seems to crawl for a few feet (5 at most) and then decide that it is still much faster to go on his belly. So, we are getting there. At least he is doing both now so we know he will learn to walk better!

This morning while Emmitt was taking a very short morning nap, Jesstine and I went outside! It was SO nice and cool! It had rained for quite a while, but just happened to stop as we wanted to go out. I suggested we go out anyway! Got some fairly decent pictures. I was dorking with the camera settings, but don't think it helped with anything. I can't seem to keep the setting on anything other than "CHILDREN" setting for a faster shutter speed with kids that move a LOT! You can see my attempt at that hopefully another time.

Singing In The Rain!

Also, my in-love's came to town tonight! Jesstine literally asked me about 20 times an hour when Aunt Jenni would be here! When they did arrive, they came bearing gifts...and hand-me-downs!!! I spent the evening sorting through them and putting them on hangers and in boxes (didn't have enough hangers for all of the pants and didn't know what else to do with the shoes until Emmitt can wear them).

What a blessed day!

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

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