Saturday, August 18, 2012

You Bet Your Teeth

Today has been one of THOSE days! I don't mean to complain too much because I AM one of those people who think of my children as true blessings! But forgive me, every parent has one of those days where it seems like nothing is going right or that his/her children are Today was certainly one of those days! Between Jesstine having an attitude (more on that in a moment) and Emmitt teething...still...still no teeth...There has been a LOT of fussing today!

I think that Jesstine's problem just seems to be coming to a head. Lately she has had a lot of trouble listening. She has had an attitude and has been defiant. I think that part of the problem may stem from Emmitt. I know it sounds crazy because he is 9 months old. He is finally getting to that age where he is mobile, he has toys that SHE wants, SHE has toys that he wants, and the list goes on and on. It doesn't help that he is teething and VERY demanding for the most part! Some days are good days, but we spend most of our week trying to tend to him for one fussy fit or another. It seems like we can't even put him down without him just crying. Yet when we try to hold him, it doesn't help either. I can only chalk it up to teething because I am not sure what else it could be! He has been rubbing his tongue over his bottom gums a LOT lately! It sure seems like that must be a sign that SOMETHING is about to pop through.

Now taking bets on how much longer before his teeth actually pop through. No, it doesn't count if they pop through and then disappear! We have been through that 5 months ago!

In the meantime, he isn't wasting anytime in pounding down the food! Tonight Daddy had a fantasy football draft and we had dinner without him. It was a mac-n-cheese with hot dogs kinda night! So, I did what I have been doing for about a week now. I prepared a plate for Emmitt. Tonight was the first night he has tried more than a bite of mac-n-cheese. Hot dogs have become common place for him! Oh, and before you start to worry, I give him pieces that are smaller than a pea. SO looking at these two, you could never tell they were pills today!

Or that this little guy was actually Emmitt's alter ego, Mr. Fussypants! He looks so happy! And check out his food. This is about a fourth of what was on his tray to start with. I think I cleaned MAYBE three pieces of hot dog and a few more than that of mac-n-cheese that had fallen on his seat from his tray. That is pretty good! He also had a few puffs and LOTS of water!

Here's to hoping that we have teeth VERY soon and that a certain little girl finds a comfort zone we can all handle with LESS attitude! Otherwise, she will be having less toys to play with and will be banned from Emmitt's...which reminds me. I have to share my latest garage sale purchase for Emmitt's room:

(Had to add a few bins of my own, but it still is VERY functional! Also, I am looking for a way to make the clear bins a bit more colorful. I think I may have found something, but it will have to be added to a list of all of the other things that I need to get done!

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

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