Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mangle and the Big Strong Hutchins Kids

The kids are just growing so fast! Both have surprised us by doing some things just in the past few weeks that they couldn't do before. Emmitt will be 13 months in a few weeks and is talking up a storm! He is a little parrot right now! Among his new words are whooo (like Wesley, his owl whom he has grown VERY attached to in the last few days), woof, dog, car, go, baby, more (with his sign language and using his voice), m & m, yummy, and bubble. There are several other things he has repeated us saying that I can't even remember. He is also learning to mimic our movements. Here is a video of him combing his hair. Funny back story too. We have a basket of bath toys in our bathroom for the rare occasions where the kids bathe in our bathroom. He pushed the basket on its side, moved it next to the bath tub, held on to the faucet on the bathtub and reached up to pull my comb off of the counter! This boy is TROUBLE!

Jesstine moved to a regular booster seat shortly before Thanksgiving. She can now buckle herself in and get herself out without too much trouble! She has really started to draw a lot and even did some wonderful coloring at Grandmom's today where she did an excellent job! Didn't stay in the lines the whole time, but did a good job of making sure everything was colored appropriately color wise. She is also getting stronger. She has always had trouble opening the door from the garage to the kitchen. It is hard to open for many reasons. More often than not, she can open it now! Tonight, Stephen and I were discussing this and we turned to see her do this:
If you remember, last year we were visited during the holidays by an elf that Jesstine named, Mangle. He is an "Elf on the Shelf" elf that comes to our house before Chrismas and watches what Jesstine does during the day. He reports back to Santa each night (with Christmas magic that helps him get back and forth from the North Pole swiftly) on whether Jesstine has been naughty or nice. He returns to a different spot each night so that he can watch from all over the house! Well, on his 4th night with us, he decided a good place to watch would be from the shelf above the toilet. Later the next evening, Stephen went in to find that he had somehow fallen from the shelf, headfirst into the toilet! To make matters worse, Jesstine had forgotten to flush! Daddy fished him out and did his best to clean Mangle up. We told Jesstine that we called the other elves in the neighborhood to help him fly back to the North Pole so Santa could give him his Christmas Magic back (if touched, elves lose their Christmas Magic and can't fly back to report to Santa). Since then, Mangle has found some of the oddest places to sit! He is almost getting a little mischievous! See for yourself!

This needs no explaination!

Last night, he replaced all of our Christmas stockings with our socks! I wonder what he will do NEXT!

Well, that is really it! Just two more pictures of my silly boy!

My brother has been deployed for about a year now. He left his dog with my parents. He is a pitbull named, Orin. He thinks he is a lap dog! When he gets in trouble, his lower lip quivers! He is really a sweet dog. Emmitt is ENAMORED with him! He is so gentle with Emmitt too! Emmitt thought he needed to take a ride on Orin. It doesn't look like Orin is enjoying it, but he didn't seem to mind. I just caught him as he was looking up to get his picture taken. He was licking his chops after chewing on is Kong bone.

He is always making me laugh! His two loveys are his owl and his blue blanket! We were playing peek-a-boo, one of his favorite games!

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

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