Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 2 of Snowmegedon

No, he's not melting. He is being buried in more snow! This was shortly after Stephen had shoveled the walk and driveway for a second time!

While Daddy shoveled for a third time, the kids climbed in the snow that was almost as tall as they are!

Trying to help Daddy shovel!

Decided to take a rest from crawling and rolled over!

He absolutely LOVED the snow! He cried when I would pick him up!

This snow was more powdery so Jesstine was able to make a snow angel.

This was in the back which has the most flat area to check for the snowfall total. It was blocked by the house so the actual total was slightly deeper than this.

There are clothes and shoes drying everywhere in our house!

Also, forgot to post this picture from yesterday. This was before most of the snow fell. The final total as of today is 14.2 inches which is only .8 of an inch from the all time record snowfall!
In Him,
The Hutchins Family

Snow Much Fun!!

As I mentioned, we had a bunch of snow and is was still falling over night and into this morning. There was a break in the snow though right after the kids' naps, so we went out to build the first snowman of the season! So without further adieu, the pictures, starting with two of my favorite!

The slide that only gets used when it has snow on it! :-)

(Funny side note about the snow man. Jesstine had not been well versed in the art of snowball making yet. She brought me a little ball of snow about the size of a golf ball and said she had made the head for the snowman. I chuckled and let her put it on the very top. I saved the snowman from having a shrunken head. Later I had to remove the hat, gloves and scarves so they wouldn't blow away in the wind. The snowman looked like he had a goose egg on his head!)

Walking made him mad. Crawling was more work and his glove kept falling off, but he was happier with crawling.

What now, Mom?


My glub (glove) came off again!

Snow angel.

MY snow angel!

Walking isn't so bad after all!

Teaching the young one the art of snowball making.

The young one teaching the teacher in proper snowball throwing techniques!

Snowball fight insues!

Hello Snowman!

I don't want to go in yet!

Later that night the kids enjoyed some Mac-n-cheese and us adults had some yummy Chicken and Dumplings!

This morning on more than one occasion, Emmitt has brought his shoes to me and said, "No!" (snow).

Stay warm!
In Him,
The Hutchins Family

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Had Emmitt's 15 month well baby visit this morning. Gone are the days of undressing him completely to be weighed and measured. He is a big boy now and got to stand on the scale and stand to have his height checked! He also didn't cry as much when he got his shots...all of that came in fussing later! In any case, he weighs 23 lbs. which is the 66.5%. He is 31 inches tall which is the 46%. And 19 inches for head circumference, 88.5%. He was happy to see his doctor, but not so happy to see the nurses when they returned with shots in hand!

Today is a very snowy day! We were projected to get 4-6 inches. The news stations have already increased that to 4-10 inches and a lot of schools are cancelling for the afternoon. When the kids and I ate breakfast it had just started to snow. By the time I got out to take Jesstine to school, it had snowed quite a bit and was slippery getting her to school (which normally is 5 minutes from our house). I then went straight to Emmitt's doctor's appointment. I decided that we would go straight to Jesstine's school instead of stopping home first! Now we are all home (including Stephen) and enjoying our nice warm house! Later there are plans for a snowman and snow ice cream! I currently have some chicken and dumplings (minus the dumplings so far) in the crockpot for dinner tonight. Hopefully I can post some pictures of snow play later! I don't know if Emmitt will care for going out in the snow though! He wasn't too thrilled with it the last time! He spent most of the morning between the car and the buildings we were headed to blowing raspberries to keep the snow off of his face!

The snow started around 8 and this is what it looked like at 1:30!!

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

Friday, February 15, 2013

Week in Review

Just a few things we have been up to this week! Most of this is from yesterday and today.

Yesterday was of course Valentine's Day. A while back, Jesstine went home with Grandmom after church. They had to stop off at the store for some things and Jesstine spotted this beautiful unicorn! Grandmom couldn't resist and went back later and bought it for Jesstine! Yesterday, Jesstine welcomed "Plush" to her collection of stuffed animals!

Emmitt is growing so fast! He is starting to thin out in the legs as a result of walking!

Today while Jesstine was at school, I was being a good housewife and folding laundry! Emmitt was enjoying some laundry basket rides!

He was a little disappointed when his motor (mommy) gave out on him! 

After nap, I replaced the batteries in this garage sale car my mom bought for Jesstine a couple of years ago. Emmitt had a blast with it!

Tonight he had his first taste of oreos!

This is a video of Emmitt thinking he is scaring Daddy. He was SO funny! Before this, he actually thought he was so hilarious and was anticipating Daddy's reaction. He laughed a good belly laugh before even removing his hands from his face and saying "BOO!" He must get that from Paw Paw Hutchins!

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

Monday, February 11, 2013

Talking Toddler!! 15 Months of THIS

Well, Emmitt is 15 months old today! He is such a joy and a challenge all at once! The old saying, "He will eat us out of house and home" is beginning to ring true! He eats as much if not more than Jesstine! Here are a few pictures and a few things to remember about Emmitt at 15 months.

Emmitt is FINALLY walking! He walks about 95% of the time. When he crawls, we remind him to walk and he gets right up and goes for it! Much like Jesstine, once he figured out he could walk, he tried to run! As he was just getting comfortable with walking, I remember he would try to go as fast as he could between the barrier (yes the tubs are still keeping him from the dining room) and the couch (roughly 6-8 feet). His walk is what Grandmom calls, "So endearing." It is the classic toddle where he is careful where he puts his feet as he steps and has his hands up high to balance himself! He is also turning out to be a climber. Grandmom is finding that out all too quickly! ;-)

 Still shot of his walk. He is beginning to balance without his hands quite so high anymore.

He now has two molars plus the 6 other teeth he had (four top front, two bottom front). He is eating larger chunks of food as a result! He also increased the amount of food he eats! I guess this is do to the walking?! His favorite foods are yogurt melts, grilled cheese, quesadillas, chicken, and just about any fruit (although he is really sensitive with Bananas, Blueberries and Mango).

He is roughly 28 lbs. (or at least he was before his last flu bug). He wears size 18 month clothing, but some of that is starting to get a little snug and short in places! He is in size 5 Huggies Snug and Dry diapers during the day. At night he is a super soaker so he wears a size 6 overnight plus a disposable liner (usually used for cloth diapering). I am guessing on his feet size because it varies between shoes. We inherited a few hand-me-down shoes, the largest being a size 6.5 wide. He is too big for all of them. However, his size 6 converse are just slightly big on him. So my guess is he is probably a 6.5-7. He is still pretty much walking around in Robeez because he does most of his walking indoors and it is just better for him that way! His Robeez are a 12-18 month. He has been in that size since well before his first birthday.

Emmitt is a character! Right now his favorite thing is Disney Pixar's: Cars. He has a little diecast car he loves to carry around. That is always the first thing out of his mouth when I get him out of his crib in the morning or after nap. He emphatically declares, "CAR!" as he points across the room at his umbrella hanging on a hook! His cars don't say "Vroom!" although he does do it for some. But all of his "Cars" cars say, "Nuh nuh nuh nuh nuhnuh!" (think the rhythm of "Real Gone" by Sheryl Crow).

 He likes balls too. To him, every ball is a "ooball" (football). He also loves books. He is a goofy kid! He will flash me the craziest grins sometimes! I of course absolutely LOVE it! He is still a cuddler although we have noticed that he doesn't so much like to cuddle and be held after he has been hurt. He would rather just cry! And of course as mentioned in a previous post, he has a nearly 55 word vocabulary including signs and sounds. I have each one listed out and add to it as he says something new! It is CRAZY! Now, I don't know if people would actually call it a vocabulary if they can't understand the words, but he certainly has at least half of them that are understandable!

Emmitt still takes one nap a day that is roughly 2-3 hours long (depending on whether he is with Grandmom or at home). He really starts to wear down at about 11 or 11:30, but because of our schedules, he normally goes down for naps at home at 1 or slightly there after. *KNOCK ON WOOD* lately, he has been doing great to sleep through the night! It has been quite nice! He used to go to sleep pretty much right after he was put in his bed. Not anymore. He usually has to play for a little while before hand. He still sleeps with his blue blanket, Wesley (his owl) and has recently become attached to a dog taggie blanket that my mother got him when he was born (he has a matching outfit in his memory box).

He still takes a pacifier, mostly only at night and nap, but a lot more recently since he has been cutting teeth. He just moved up to the largest size Nuk. I had roughly 10 of the last size. This time I am sticking with 4 at home and 2 at Grandmom's! Makes it a LOT easier to keep track of them!

Here are just a few photos I tried to take of Mr. Wiggleworm today. Attempted a picture with the Elephant in the chair. It was pretty comical! Also a picture of Jesstine in what she calls her "bumpy hair."

 "Don't bother me! I am READING!"

"What's that? You want to take pictures? And there is an Elephant in the room?!"

"How's it going'?"
"Awww! Awww!"
"Hey, Dude! Can you do this?!"


Bumpy Hair.

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Super Bowl, Nursery Rhyme Parade, Pancakes and Saturday Cartoons

We have been keeping busy. It is harder to post things now because I usually take pictures with my phone. That makes it easier to put them on photobucket, but harder to post to the blog! So here is what we have been up to.

We attended a super bowl party with our home group. I made a recipe that is a standby at our house, but I did it with a twist. It was a huge hit! Here is how I made them, step by step:

Favorite lunchmeat.

Your favorite cheese (this is smoke Gouda).

Crescent rolls (I have also made this with the seamless crescent rolls and it works GREAT).

Roll out half of the crescents (if you use the seamless, roll the entire thing out and cut it in half first). As best as you can try to pinch the seams together.

Add a couple of cheese slices to half of the half. (The kids preferred the American cheese.)

Put a layer of lunch meat on top of the cheese.

Roll it as tightly as you can.

Cut it evenly into bite sized pieces.

Lay them on their side on a cookie sheet. I always line mine with non-stick foil because the American cheese can melt and run making it difficult to clean.

Bake at 375 for 11-13 minutes. (Ignore my dirty oven glass. Somehow something got between the two panes of glass and I have an idea of how to clean it out, but not the guts to pull it all apart!)

Viola! Jesstine calls them "Turkey Rollups."

Jesstine had a nursery rhyme parade at school this week. It just so happened that the class time before, she had a little trouble leaving Mommy and cried as she went into class. To try and get her excited about class, her teachers talked to her (and me) at the door about the parade. They let her choose her favorite nursery rhyme. She and her classmates dressed up as the nursery rhyme character they picked/were assigned. Jesstine of course chose Humpty Dumpty. It worked out GREAT because I had made a costume two years ago! She brought Emmitt's "Mr. Dumpty" because he has a bow tie and he has yellow stripes like her costume. It was SO cute!

Left to right: (Not pictured, Hickory Dickory Dock), Itsy Bitsy Spider, Jack and Jill, Jack Be Nimble (squared), Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater, Mary Mary Quite Contrary, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Little Bo Peep, Old Mother Hubbard, Humpty Dumpty, Little Boy Blue, The Muffin Man, and Little Miss Muffet.

Two of my favorite costumes! (The little boy on the left is the only kid in Jesstine's class who was in her class last year).

For the record, this costume went well below her knees when she wore it for Halloween!

The whole group. If you look closely, Jack (in the second row with the green striped sweater) had a bandaid on his head! LOL!

That night for dinner we had pancakes. It has taken me years to convince Stephen that it is okay to have breakfast for dinner! It was a huge hit with the kids. I don't think that Emmitt will be able to enjoy it any longer though. He ended up with welts around his mouth! We gave him some benadryl and I will be discussing food allergies with the doctor at his 15 month appointment!

You can see the welts pretty well in this picture.

And last but not least, we finally had a Saturday where we didn't HAVE to be anywhere or do anything! The kids slept in until after nine and we got up and watched some Saturday morning cartoons. Next week, Jesstine has her Valentine's party at school. I found a CUTE idea on pinterest (HERE) and have made a prototype! Also, stay tuned for Emmitt's 15 month update!!!!

Once again she has to have Dumpty and Princess Blankie where ever she is in the house! LOVE it! :-)

Valentine for 2013.

And just because he is SO stinking cute:

My little bookworm!

In Him,
The Hutchins Family