Sunday, January 13, 2013

14 Months!!!!

Emmitt turned 14 months yesterday. It is SO hard to believe he is getting that old! He has been such a joy to our family!

Emmitt is quite the ham! He does some funny stuff and just looks at you and grins his toothy grin and wrinkles his nose at you! He is all boy. He LOVES all things cars, especially Disney's Cars. He even tries to make the sound as he rolls them across the floor. He also likes to bounce. His zebra Santa brought was the perfect gift! He giggles when he toots or burps. Will have to break him of that habit, but it is okay for now! He walks for short distances (2-6 steps) before he decides it will be much easier and faster to just crawl where he wants to go. He is a climber! The barrier (of storage tubs) will not work much longer!

One way he is NOT all boy is that he is unusually talkative! I mentioned a few months ago how he has been using a lot of words! Well, his vocabulary grows each day! He uses these words appropriately too! For instance, how many 14 month olds can tell you when they are "Cucky" (yucky)? Of course he can't say Turkey, but "Cucky" works for that too! He also has recently learned the word, "miiiiiuh!" (mine). No doubt he learned this from Jesstine constantly trying to keep toys away from him while she is playing! These are just a few of the things he says. Today he was holding his owl, Wesley, and cuddling it. He always says, "Awww! Awww!" as he cuddles something soft or someone. He especially does it with Wesley which is one of the things that HAS to be in his bed at nap/bedtime. Today he did his usual, "Aww!" followed by, "Baby! Baby!" He was holding Wesley as his baby! Such a sweet boy!

Emmitt is eating very well! He eats often times more than Jesstine does! His favorites include Applesauce ("Apppuw!") although he is quickly getting tired of it, yogurt melts, grilled cheese and quesadillas. He is still drinking two bottles a day, one for nap and one for bedtime. I think I have mentioned how this will be the hardest thing for me to break for him! Partially because I like holding him while he drinks a bottle and partially because he loves the bottle so much! He has recently showed some sensitivity to bananas. We are keeping an eye on it! Other than that he eats pretty much anything (we have not tried peanut butter or eggs yet).

Emmitt is still wearing size 18 month clothes, but is looking like he may transition out of those to 24 month soon. He has thinned out in the middle, but has been growing taller. He is in size 5 Huggies diapers during the day and size 6 with a disposable liner at night (he is what people call a "super soaker" at night). I have been putting real shoes on him more often. It is hard to say what size he wears. A friend got him some size 5 Converse shoes before he was born. He is too big for those so I recently got him a 6. Those are a little big, but he only has a half of a thumb length (if that) when he is standing. My sister-in-love gave us some foot me down shoes of which he only fits in 1 or two pairs. There is no room in the toe of those shoes which are a 6.5 Wide!! There is no telling how big his feet really are. For now he wears mostly Robeez size 18-24 months and his size 6 Converse shoes.

Here are some fun photos from the last few days.

Santa picture 2012.

Uncle Billie got back from Afghanistan shortly before Christmas. After a week long cruise, he came back for a few days to Kansas. He headed back yesterday to Mountain Home, Idaho. We are going to miss him! Emmitt sure thought he was cool!

I am one of THOSE moms! We have a short time table some days when I go to pick Jesstine up from school because I have to go pick a friend's little girl up and take her to school. This was one of those days so we stopped at McD's across the street for lunch.

Size 6 Converse! SO boyish!

He either had a headache, was practicing yoga or was preparing himself to become the center for the Dallas Cowboys!

This is what happens when he doesn't wear shoes. One socky (ahgie) on, one "ahgie" off! Let's hope that is the ONLY dressing tip he gets from Michael Jackson!

A new favorite snack, baby Goldfish crackers. Still learning to eat them without making too big of a mess (notice the bib).

Taking notes from his sister, he also has an affectation for Elmo! Elmo is another buddy that has to be in his bed!

Oh and many of you know there is a video game series called "Just Dance." Here is Emmitt's version called, "Just Dance...Baby!"

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

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