It's been a while. A lot has been happening. I have had time to blog, but have chosen not to in the midst of what has been going on. Today I feel I need to put my feelings to words and share them in this space so I can remember. In my previous post, I mentioned that my co-music teacher has been absent from school. She initially was out for gallbladder surgery. It turned into degenerative disc disease in her lower back that kept her from returning. She had been struggling with her asthma since the end of the last school year. Friday was the day we were supposed to enter grades. It was difficult because with so many subs in and out for the past several weeks, I wasn't sure what to record! She was planning to come to school and help me. She called that morning while I was still in the parking lot. She could barely breathe to talk. She coughed a few times. I immediately sensed something more serious (like pneumonia) was the culprit rather than asthma. I told her that her cough was not an asthma cough and she didn't need to wait. She needed to see a doctor right away. She agreed and later went to the er. They were concerned that with her recent surgery, she had some clotting going on, so they did some x-rays and a CT scan to make sure she wasn't going to throw clots into her heart or brain. Unfortunately what they found was neither clot, nor pneumonia. They found a golf ball to egg sized mass on her right lung resting on her bronchial tube. She was admitted to the hospital. She had a biopsy on Monday that determined that it was indeed our worst fear, cancer. The plan was to discuss a course of action on Tuesday with the oncologist and lung doctor. Emmitt and I went to visit her on Tuesday morning. She had a breathing treatment and a shower. Other than being a little tired, she was feeling better! It seemed promising. Unfortunately, it was short lived. She took a turn for the worse that night and it was revealed that the cancer had spread to her brain. She was beginning to have cardiac issues so she was moved to the icu where she was closely monitored and comfortable. She passed from this world into Heaven at 10:30, Wednesday night. Her loss is greatly felt! This is the person who really took me under her wing when I had just lost Babe B. and started back to teaching. She was a dear friend. She was a great person overall! She was spunky and spitfire! Yet she was loving and caring. She was one of a kind and in the best way possible. She was....Terri!! She left behind her husband, mother, three children, and three grandchildren. She left behind countless others whose lives she touched! Her mother-in-law left this world less than a week prior. This is not the end! I am very aware of that! I picture her with my baby girl teaching the children of heaven how to sing and make music! I am blessed to know she was a believer and that I WILL see her someday as promised by God through his son. It still hurts and will for some time I am sure. In the meantime I am hoping to carry out her wishes. I asked her what I could do to help. She asked me to step up and be the consistent music teacher that the students needed. I have been busy putting things into place to accomplish that and waiting to hear if this will even be a possibility. In the meantime, we grieve. We remember. We try to put on a brave face and answer the many questions that our students may have. We try and keep things as normal as possible! I am blessed to have shared some great last memories with her! I brought Emmitt along because I knew one of her FAVORITE things was baby laughter! She was in a good place when I last saw her and I will carry that with me until we meet again! Until then, enjoy the streets of gold and reuniting with loved ones, Terri! You are GREATLY missed and loved! Please be in prayer for her family and our Franklin family during the next few days. Arrangements are still pending regarding her memorial service.

Terri sporting a cow hat!
In Him,
The Hutchins Family
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