Tuesday, July 10, 2012

8 Months

Well, the time has come! Emmitt is 8 months old today (well tomorrow, but I wanted this post to show up before we do our yearly tribute to Babe B. who will be five). He is growing up SO fast!

At 8 months Emmitt still has NO teeth! Yup, you read that right. He still has the pesky one that goes in and out of the gums and has now officially for 4 months! We are WAY ready for some teeth to pop through! It hasn't held him back in the food department...so to speak! He LOVES food. He will try just about anything. He has had hot dogs, turkey, french fries, and pizza crust as "table food" and many other things as baby food. He doesn't care for peas, but I can sneak them in if I mix them with carrots. The only foods that don't like him seem to be (oddly) blueberries, pears, and green beans. I remember Jesstine being sensitive to the latter two. His eating schedule has been a bit odd lately. He isn't a big eater upon waking up in the morning. Takes after his mommy and daddy (for the record, Jesstine pretty much has to eat as soon as her eyes are open and she likes a big breakfast like Grandmom). Lately he will eat about 6-7 ounces for his first bottle which is 30 minutes after waking up (around anywhere from 7:15-8:30). He doesn't (knock on wood) wake up during the night to feed very often. Then he is pretty much on a 4 hour schedule after that and eats roughly 8 ounces a bottle (although again, the last few days have been odd and he doesn't seem to want much). After his third bottle and around the same time that we eat dinner he wants to eat with us. It usually consists of some puffs, mumm mumms, and 1 1/2 to 2 containers of level two baby food. Then after dinner he usually takes a bath and eats 6-8 ounces before going straight to bed where he sleeps until the next morning!! Pretty good! I am hoping that this means we are seeing some kind of a schedule during the day, but I am not holding my breath! Here is a video of his progress eating puffs.

As I mentioned above, we are working on getting a schedule during the day. I have tried really hard to be home so he can get a morning nap consistently and an afternoon nap. He typically sleeps in the morning somewhere between an hour and a half to an hour and 45 minutes after he wakes up in the morning. He sleeps anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. For the last few days I haven't been able to get him home to sleep, but he sleeps while Jesstine is in swimming lessons. Then he is awake until Jesstine goes down for a nap around 2 (although he will sometime go down earlier and I move Jesstine's nap earlier). I get lucky sometimes and they sleep at the same time about half of the time! 

He is growing like a weed! I would say he is about 20 lbs. MAYBE 21. He is in size 4 diapers and has to wear an overnight diaper with a pair of waterproof pants over the top. We have had a lot of trouble with leaks at night! He is in mostly size 12 month clothes, but can still wear some of his 6-9 month clothes. 

Lately, he has been making it clear what he likes and dislikes. He is absolutely in LOVE with this Baby Einstein video (Baby's First Sounds) because of the bee! I had a video of the sheep too, but it was sideways and I can figure out how to turn it. His squeals of delight are ear piercing. He has the same reaction for Elmo whether it is on TV or a picture.

He also has recently shown us that he is all boy and all about cars and trucks!! His recent love is his new Mater car we got just the other day to go with his Lightning McQueen! I have a feeling we will be seeing a LOT of this boy carrying around a toy car/truck in his hand!

Believe it or not, his hair IS coming in! You can really tell in the back. It looks like it is coming in dark!

And now for the chair pictures! I was really worried as I was getting ready to take these pictures. I distinctly remember Jesstine tumbling head first out of the chair as I turned around to get the camera and snap a picture. She was 11 months at the time. Emmitt is much more ambitious/mobile/and all out FEARLESS than Jesstine was! Luckily, with Jesstine's help, he stayed in the chair and as long as he had his toy Mater (told ya!), he was happy!

(My favorite, but it was a little blurry.)

Official Chair pictures:

Oh and of course last but not least, a BIG achievement for this month (started just a few days ago) ......
the beginnings of an army crawl!!

Stay tuned for our celebration of Babe B.! It is starting to feel overwhelming emotionally. She would be 5 this year. I would have a school aged child starting this fall! I miss her a lot! I wish that remembering her didn't bring all of the bad memories with it! But, more of that next post!

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

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