Sunday, May 5, 2013

Playoff Hockey and Fire Safety on the Brain

Tonight we decided on a whim to go to a hockey game. Our local hockey team is in the CHL (minor league hockey) finals. The game was a 5:00 game so we knew that was plenty of time to get the kids home and in bed when we got back. It WAS worth it! We have so much fun! Even Emmitt being as young as he is LOVES the atmosphere. He was just captivated! By the end of the night he could say, "Let's Go THUNDER!" (for the record, it sounds more like Thunder Thunder!). They unfortunately lost, but it was fun!

(Sorry the video is sideways. I keep forgetting my video on my camera only does well in landscape instead of portrait. My phone flips it when I flip it.

Also, the week of fire safety discussion has brought some interesting and even at times funny conversations up with Jesstine. Today as we were on our way home from church, Jesstine mentioned how it was bad to play with matches. We told her that she was right and that matches are something that Mommy and Daddy need to help her with and even that wasn't going to happen for quite some time. Very seriously she said, "But I like to play games with matches...(at which point both of us looked at each other with wide eyes) my princess and Dora matching games." We couldn't help ourselves! We had to laugh! 

At another point this week, Jesstine and Daddy were playing a new game on the xbox called, "Costume Quest." It is her new favorite and involves a sibling having to save another sibling from monsters and it is Halloween. They are dressed in costumes and when fighting the bad guys, their costumes turn into super hero versions. For instance the ninja costume which is home made but would suffice for a Hallween costume, turns into an ACTUAL ninja to fight the bad guys. At one point in the game the characters can catch on fire and it does damage to them. I guess when this happened, Jesstine told Daddy that they should stop, drop and roll!

And last but not least, here is a video that I took Friday night during "nearly naked Italian night" ie. spaghetti night (the kids are often stripped to their underwear (diaper in Emmitt's case) to protect their clothing and to insure easy cleanup afterward). Emmitt was being his typically silly self and I captured it on camera....this one is in landscape mode! 

Oh and once again, Emmitt is showing the fact that the apple does not fall far from the tree:
 (No, he is not really DOING anything. He just happened to get away with being in the dining room because we failed to put the gate up in the kitchen. He sure thinks he is hot stuff and proudly declared, "Omputer!")

Oh and of course can't forget this moment from before church this morning where the kids were actually playing together. It was short lived though! I walked away to get myself ready and heard a blood curdling scream from Jesstine as she realized Emmitt was trying to play WITH her! 

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if you will get this on my blog, so I am posting it here too! :) but I am going to go back and edit my "punishments/consequences." It is always time out. minutes based on age. Lo=4min MW=2min. Also, we let natural consequences be our guide. If they aren't obeying and they are playing with a toy or iPad...gone for a set amount of time. The get hurt due to not listening, we give them some sympathy and doctor it up, but we make it very clear that situation could have been avoided through listening and obeying. When they get older they are late for school due their disobedience then whatever punishment the school has in place for tardiness, is theirs and they can own it. Make sense?! I just let the situation be my guide. If we had something fun planned it may be cancelled and that is SO hard to do or I make the naughty child sit out while the "good" one plays. BUT I also spend a LOT of time rewarding positive and good behavior all.the.time. I want them to know I see it all and I want the focus to be on the good not the negative! Good luck and I hope this helps!! Your kids are cute, so fun to keep track of the stuff they say and do!
