Saturday, September 1, 2012

Oh The Places He Will Stand...

Emmitt is getting VERY good at pulling up on things. We find him in the most unusual places. Today at one point he had pulled up to standing at the exersaucer. When that wasn't good enough, he put his feet on the bottom disc (the blue part) and stood on the edge of that...then he got stuck! Wish I had a picture, but no such luck! I DO have a picture of a few OTHER places where he has recently been caught standing:

Look Mom! One hand!

So proud of himself too!

A few weeks ago, our parent educator for Parents As Teachers came over. She was looking at the checklist for ages 5-8 months. The only things Emmitt was not doing were crawling (which he literally started to army crawl a few days later) and clapping. Really?! That is an 8 month skill? WEIRD! I had also seen a lot of stuff in my weekly emails from a website on babies' growth and development that said things to the effect of: "Your baby may be pulling up on things...cruising...etc." Um, NO! I was starting to get worried! I didn't need to be of course! I knew Emmitt was starting to understand verbal commands. He learned "NO" rather quickly as he is always into something he shouldn't be. He also started to tell me when he is ready for nap or bed by saying, "Nigh Nigh Nigh Nigh!" Kinda cute! So I set out to teach him to clap. Lo and behold, here it is:

Oh and for the record, he can also say, "Clap, Clap, Clap," although it comes out differently in his baby babble, it is the same each time he does it and says it!

Now to end this post on kind of a creepy note. I was sitting on the couch waiting for Jesstine to go get Dumpty so that I could read her a bedtime story (we are about 1/3 of the way through Charlotte's Web). I looked to my right and saw this:

Okay, I really like Elmo, but this struck me as a little creepy!

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

P.S. Jesstine starts school next week so stay tuned! I bought her some new shoes for school and she thinks she is super fast in them! Hopefully they don't hurt her feet like the pair I bought her on clearance this summer that were SUPPOSED to be her school shoes :-/

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