Saturday, August 11, 2012

9 Months And Blog Uncertainty

Well, he is 9 months today! It is so hard to believe. I was looking back at one of his hospital pictures though, and unlike Jesstine, I can see the same look in his face now that I saw then. With Jesstine I really had to look for similar features in her newborn face to her baby/toddler face.

At 9 months he still has NO teeth! It doesn't stop him when it comes to eating though! He tries just about everything! He is already to that point where he just doesn't want to mess with eating baby food with a spoon. He wants to be feeding himself with his hands! It makes it a little challenging when he doesn't have any teeth to chew said food! He does pretty good though. He also still takes at least 3-4 eight ounce bottles a day. Sometimes more depending on how early he wakes up and how his feedings go throughout the day. 

Schedule......yea...he isn't on one! I have tried and tried in vain! I have at least determined that he goes down for a morning nap (such as it is) about two hours (give or take a few minutes) from the time he wakes up in the morning. That being said, he only sleeps for MAYBE 45 minutes for the first nap! As for the afternoon nap, I TRY to have him nap at the same time as Jesstine. Usually if I give him a bottle he will sleep for a full 2 hours while Jesstine sleeps. Lately he has been begging to go to bed pretty much and most of the time it is before Jesstine's typical nap. He USUALLY sleeps well at night. Lately since he has been sick, he has been waking up sporadically through the night. I think it is a combination of teething and being sick. Regardless, he typically does pretty well at night. We just wish these darn teeth would come in. I have found though that we have to at least offer him a full bottle to get a full nights sleep. Even if he doesn't finish the whole thing. And even if he has just eaten an hour earlier!

Size, I haven't taken him to the doctor yet. He currently is on antibiotics for a double ear infection and sinus infection. We will probably do that this week at some point. At his appointment last week though he was 20.5 lbs and was 29 inches long. I am not sure on the length. He looks really long. He no longer looks "chubby." He just looks big. He has always looked solid. Regardless, he is doing well sizewise! He is wearing mostly 12 month clothing, but fits into some 6-9 (9 month). He is still in size 4 diapers and still has to wear a night time diaper with water proof pants over the top.

He is army crawling everywhere. He gets up on his knees ALL the time, but won't crawl like that. He rocks back and forth and does baby push ups. Sometimes it looks like he may even bear crawl, but still no real crawl. He gets around very well though! He has recently discovered the spring stoppers that keep the doors from hitting the walls. That was fun to wake up to this morning!

The pictures are getting more and more difficult to take. The first is my favorite, except that he knocked down the paper saying "9 months" on it. I seem to recall this same pose (below without the elephant) with Ian at about this age...or earlier!

Okay, as for the blog uncertainty part....I have reached my picture storage quota already which was why I switched blogs in the first place. As far as I know, for a while I am able to post pictures in my blog posts without a limit for a while. As far as the header is concerned, I have been trying to save my pictures to an online photo album somewhere else and then link them to the header and eventually the blog itself. I haven't figured out how to do it or it is not working. So, for the time being there will be no picture for the header. Stinks because I had a great picture to add to it! I guess I will have to put it here for now! 

Emmitt LOVES bathtime! Most kids do, but he will go from the fussiest little guy to the happiest in a matter of seconds when he realizes it is bathtime! Lately I have just let him sit in bubbles and splash rather than giving him a real bath. He enjoys those baths the most! He also likes to eat the bubbles! Even though I want his teeth to come it so they stop hurting him nothing is better than this gummy grin!

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