Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cousin Week

At the beginning of June, my nephew, Conrad, was headed to church camp for a week. As a special treat his two sisters were going to have camp Aunt Lacie/Grandma. Well, my mom had spent too much time off taking my younger sister back to North Carolina and seeing my brother in Louisiana before he heads to Afghanistan to accommodate that plan. It happened to also be the week that my in-loves were visiting AND we were getting our roof replaced. I agreed to have the kids come to my house if it was any day, but Monday and Tuesday. Turns out those were the days she needed me to let the girls come play. Needless to say, I offered to reschedule. SO this week is what we rescheduled to and my nephew got to join us as well! It has been a busy, but mostly good last few days. I will admit, it has been stressful and it quickly became apparent why I am a mom of two children and not 5! Also, it has been SUPER hot here, so it has been a challenge to keep 5 kids 8 and under occupied without over heating or making things more stressful than they need to be!

 Emmitt has thoroughly enjoyed the extra attention from all of his cousins and LOVES playing footsy with his friend and only fellow BOY (not including Daddy) in a house FULL of girls!
We had a great treat of Otter Pops after dinner Monday night.

Followed by a couple of trips through the sprinklers:

 Today, the older kids went to spend some time with their other cousins in town. The little girls stayed with Emmitt and I. Our friend Kara came over and we went to the mall on the east side of town because it was SO hot our original plan to go to the splash pad was foiled because we didn't want Emmitt to be out in the heat. We had to do SOMETHING fun for the girls though! So we took them to play! After that they took naps. Then we headed to Walmart so I could get a new bathing suit for our upcoming trip to Great Wolf Lodge. These two were jewels all day! At one point I looked back and saw this! It was so cute! All day people were making comments about how theses "sisters" looked like such good friends! I informed them that they were identical cousins! See:

Tomorrow my mom is taking my sister's kids for the morning, but they will return after lunch in time to take naps and chill before it is time to go to church.

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

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