Monday, June 4, 2012 in Emergency Room

It has been a while since I posted. I have been trying to decide to whether to post this or not. I thought about it for a while and wasn't as bad as I feared looking back at it, so I decided, yeah, why not!

Here's my story and I am sticking to it!
Friday, I took Jesstine and Emmitt to meet some friends for some swimming at the Y. It is something I have done numerous times. After we swim, it is REALLY cold when we go back to the family locker room to change. So, I usually let Jesstine stand in the warm shower to warm up. Since Emmitt was born, I don't feel comfortable leaving her out to shower by herself while I change Emmitt. So, I had the brilliant idea to change us all in the changing room where they have a shower AND a baby changing station! So, I got J set up in the shower. Got Emmitt dressed. I even thought ahead and brought the umbrella stroller so I had somewhere to put him while I changed Jesstine and myself. I set him in the stroller after turning the shower off for Jesstine. I turned for a second to give J a towel before buckling him in. I turned when I felt the stroller hit me and saw Emmitt face down on the tile screaming! My heart broke! I picked him up and started crying myself. His lip was bleeding and his nose was starting to show signs of damage. I needed help so I could get Jesstine and myself dressed. I ran out of the locker room asking screaming for help. It came VERY quickly in the form of SEVERAL mothers and eventually a couple of Y workers with a towel and ice pack. They held Emmitt while I got Jesstine and I dressed and our stuff put together. Honestly my biggest fear other than Emmitt having serious damage to his head and face was that I would be turned in for child abuse or neglect. They were all so kind and reassured me (even in by way of a phone call later that night) that ALL mothers make mistakes that end up hurting their children at some point! In any case, they got us to the van and we sped off to the ER (which luckily was right next door) after a quick phone call to Stephen and Grandmom. Emmitt screamed and cried the entire time. He cried nonstop for at least an hour and a half! We got to the ER. They got us in a room right away. Got some tylenol in him, did a CAT scan (to make sure he didn't have any serious damage) and got us some formula for him because he was hungry. They even got Jesstine a snack because she was hungry too! Looking back, I am sure that the screaming was a culmination of things: scared, hurt, hungry and angry (as a result of not being fed). Everything turned out fine and just turned into a good story to tell him later. It was a reminder to me that I need to be sure to secure him before I do ANYTHING! Here is a picture of his face later that day.

(Circled parts are where he was banged up; Click to enlarge!)

Getting the ice pack on so quickly was probably a huge help! He didn't seem to have TOO many lasting affects. He woke up two nights in a row screaming after he had been asleep for a few hours. Then again on Sunday at naptime. But mostly he was his happy self. This was actually taken later that day!

I have a feeling that this boy is going to keep us on our toes!

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

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