Friday, June 29, 2012

Pieces of Us

Do you ever have those moments when you see yourself in your children? Sometimes it is the endearing qualities. Other times....not so much. Today was one of those days for me. Let me set the scene:

Emmitt was due to wake up from his nap (he slept SUPER well today which he gets from Me Hehe) and Jesstine was eating her lunch. I fed her a bit earlier than usual because we had some grocery shopping to do as we will be leaving for our much anticipated trip to the Great Wolf Lodge soon. We shop at Target. At our Target, if you go to the bakery area and ask nicely, they have free cookies that they handout. I don't know how we discovered this, but you guessed it....Jesstine asks EVERY time! So today, I told her she had to eat a good lunch to get to ask for a cookie. (Great parenting move, I know!) We got some shopping done on the other side of the store first and then made our way to the food area. I always start at the produce and work my way to the dairy. It just is easiest for me. First stop was the deli (in the produce section) which is ALSO next to the bakery. There was no one in sight. I had just finished telling her that we may have to shop a little and then come back. She was on the verge of breaking down at that point because she was REALLY wanting that cookie. A lady walked by and overheard me. As she pretended to walk away she said, "We are all out of cookies and I am headed home!"......Jesstine IMMEDIATELY buried her face in her hands and began sobbing, real, big tears!! The woman panicked! I could see that she was joking, but Jesstine was either so focused on the cookie or didn't see her as she smiled....therefore she took it seriously! Needless to say, the woman felt TERRIBLE!! She not only got Jesstine a cookie right away, but she gave her TWO because she had been so "mean." We saw her a little while later and Jesstine gave her a funny look. The woman said, "No one here EVER takes me seriously...I never would have imagined that I would make a little girl cry like that! I have been doing this for years and have not ever had that happen!" I reassured her that Jesstine was just needing a nap (which was kinda true). We went about our business.

At that moment that Jesstine started crying, I saw myself in her! I was VERY sensitive like this as a child and I don't think I could sense sarcasm in words very well. If I did, I didn't know it! I was relaying this story to Stephen later and he could recall a story of himself at an even older age doing the same thing. I guess a part of that is just in all of us as kids, but still I have to wonder what part of it is being a kid or being a kid of one's parents!

I am so blessed to get to spend this time with my children! It is beyond what I ever imagined! I love seeing them grow and learn new things each day! I especially love seeing bits and pieces of their daddy and mommy in them; even the bad! I am sure we have years to come with this! Emmitt has been something to behold of late with his teeth giving him fits!

Until next time!

In Him,
The Hutchins Family

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